- Keynote – The Honorable Sam Johnson (TX)
- R.O.K. Ambassador – His Excellency Ahn Ho-Young
- DKWF President – Justin Rhee
- Rear Admiral Ron MacLaren USN
- Keynote – The Honorable Sam Johnson (TX)
- LT COL Timothy Washington, U.S. Army
- DKWF Exec VP Arthur Allen
- DKWF Exec VP Dr. Ruth Starr
- Keynote – The Honorable Sam Johnson with DKWF Exec Board Member Arthur Allen
- DKWF Exec Board Member Dennis Halpin
- Earl Newsome, III, Deputy Director, Veterans Affairs
- Recognition of Korean War Heroes
- Recognition of Korean War Heroes
- Recognition of Korean War Heroes
- Mr. Charles Webb III (Korean War veteran) w/ a newspaper dated July 28, 1953
- Presentation – Establishment of The Sam Johnson Public Service Scholarship Award
- Presentation – Establishment of The John Conyers Jr. Public Service Scholarship Award
- Presentation – Establishment of The Howard Coble Public Service Scholarship Award
- Korean War veterans and families
- Korean War veterans
- Korean War veteran and families
- DKWF Exec Board members
- DKWF Exec Board members Arthur Allen and Jay Sim with Earl Newsome, His Excellency Ahn and Chairman Richard Halferty
- (L to R) Elizabeth Singleton, Dennis Halpin, Jay Sim, Arthur Allen, Rear Admiral MacLaren, His Excellency Ahn, Justin Rhee and Dr. Ruth Starr
- Earl Newsome, Deputy Director, Veterans Affairs with Justin Rhee and Arthur Allen
- Rep. from the Office of Congressman John Conyers Jr. with DKWF President Justin Rhee
- Nick Currie (grandson of the late James Duncan Currie) with Chairman Richard Halferty of Texas Lone Star Chapter of Korean War Veterans
- LTC Rachel Hill representing the Office of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff with His Excellency Ahn, Chairman Richard Halfterty, and DKWF Exec Board members
- Cassandra Lowell (Harvard University) – The John Conyers, Jr. Public Service Scholarship Award recipient
- Richard Holden (Villinova University) – The Charles B. Rangel Public Service Scholarship Award recipient
- Brianna R. Parsons (Virginia Tech) – The Howard Coble Public Service Scholarship Award recipient
- Leinani Amorin (Penn State University) – one of eight Finalist